DID YOU KNOW that any 3 singlecoil guitar can get 12 sounds instead of the standard 5? These sounds are all completely natural and easily available at your fingertips:New sounds that you will love will quickly become addictive. Check out the short test before you go to the trouble of installing a neck humbucker – Videos/Audios Please Note: An IQ above that of a "toaster" is required to understand this system! Also, you´re fingers have to be as nimble as those of a chimpansee. Installation price for Fingertips switching €125,00 per Pickguard and/or guitar (If at all possible)






Check out these videos to see the Strat and Tele Abalone Pickguards Live extra

Pearlvibe Guitars

Vintage Through and Through Genuine Abalone Pearl on the Outside Advanced Custom Switching